Computational thinking
What? Computational thinking means thinking like a computer.If this, then that...Colloquially we call it programming. Programming is not only very interesting for a computer scientist, but conditional thinking can be applied in all kinds of other situations. The video below shows when programming rules are used. Programming also means figuring out which steps you need to take to get from one side to the other, for example (stand, turn left, step forward, etc.).
How? On this page you will find several lesson ideas for each 2 grade levels that relate to computational thinking. We have tried to collect a combination of lessons for which you may or may not need a device. N.b. We have used the FutureNL learning paths as a starting point.
When? The periodComputational thinking runs until November 10. That is the day that Media Literacy Week starts. The next topic we will explore is Media Literacy.
Materials? There are a number of assignments for which you need materials; the Beebots and the Microbits. You can request this from us by email. Preferably for a period of a maximum of two days, so that they do not remain lying around somewhere and everyone has the opportunity to use them.
To ask? Jasper and Bart have collected these lessons. If you have any questions, you can contact us.
Photos? Have you undertaken an activity and if you have taken photos, we would like to receive some.
Grade 1 / 2
Lesson idea 1
Digi-doer! | Autumn treasures
This Digi-doer is about autumn treasures: leaves, fruits, nuts, berries, etc. that children can find in the forest in autumn. The students look at what can be found in the forest. They learn that you can make a collage with the found items and that you can clearly record your finds and present them in a table.
Lesson idea 3
Magnetic marble track
With the magnetic marble track you can make a marble track on a board. There are maps that can be recreated.If this, then that...
Lesson idea 2
Digi-doer! | Living programming
In this lesson, students will program each other (live programming). The postman (student 1) has lost a very important letter. The letter was blown out of his bag by the strong wind. Student 2 knows where the letter is. He tells the postman via verbal instructions or instructions on cards how the postman can get to the letter. The lesson has both hands-on and talking assignments and is therefore varied and interactive.
Lesson idea 4
You've worked with the Beebots before. All Beebots that work can be found in the IT room. Below you will find an explanation from Master Sander.
Grade 3 / 4
Lesson idea 1
Digi-doer! | Robotics lesson
During this lesson, students will learn to walk like a robot in the robot factory. They experience the differences between a human body and a mechanical body. They learn to create clear algorithms and to give each other consecutive instructions. The lesson has both hands-on and talking assignments and is therefore varied and interactive.
Lesson idea 2
Digi-doer! | Crooks lesson
During this lesson, the students work like real detectives. Based on a crime, they are asked for help by a police officer. There are various assignments in the form of puzzles, which means that more and more suspects are eliminated. Together the students find the perpetrator. The lesson has both hands-on and talking assignments and is therefore varied and interactive.
Lesson idea 3
Skillsdojo | What is a robot made of?
In this mission you discover which parts a robot is made of and create your own robot with these parts.
Lesson idea 4
You've worked with the Beebots before. All Beebots that work can be found in the IT room. You will find a video in grades 1 and 2.
Lesson idea 5
Skillsdojo | Speaking robot language
A hacker has erased a robot's brain. Can you learn to speak robot language and decipher the secret code?
Grade 5 / 6
Lesson idea 1
Digi-doer! | A mini switch in your computer
During this lesson, students will experience how a model of a computer works. They can name the different parts of the computer and learn what a transistor is and what its function is.
Lesson idea 2
Digi-doer! | A computer is just like a human being
During this lesson, students will learn what parts a computer consists of and what each part does. The students will discover that the operation of the various computer components is somewhat similar to the operation of the components that humans have.
Lesson idea 3
Hour of code | Write your first computer program
Learn basic Computer Science concepts through drag-and-drop programming. This is a game-like tutorial with video lectures from Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Angry Birds and Plants vs. Zombies. Learn iteration loops, conditions and basic algorithms.
Lesson idea 4
Skillsdojo | Program your name in light
Discover what a microcomputer is and write your own name in LED lights.
Grade 7 / 8
Lesson idea 1
Digi-doer! | Binary drawing
During this lesson, students will experience how a model of a computer works. They can name the different parts of the computer and learn what a transistor is and what its function is.
Lesson idea 2
Digi-doer! | Programmerende piraten?
During this lesson, students will use a game to experience how a computer knows which actions follow each other, for example when using the selection menu on a telephone or when buying a train ticket at the train ticket machine. They also learn what this is called, how it is noted and are given examples of the use of this principle.
Lesson idea 3
Hour of code | Write your first computer program
Learn basic Computer Science concepts through drag-and-drop programming. This is a game-like tutorial with video lectures from Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Angry Birds and Plants vs. Zombies. Learn iteration loops, conditions and basic algorithms.
Lesson idea 4
Skillsdojo | Rock Paper Scissors
In this mission you will create a digital version of the game 'rock, paper, scissors'.