School day
At 08:15 the doors open and the children may enter the building. Lessons start at 08:30. During the morning break, there is time for a healthy/fruit snack. We expect our pupils to bring healthy food to school (dairy, fruit, bread, etc). At 15:00 the school day ends. On Wednesdays, the school day ends at 12:30.
Lunch times
Between 12 and 1 pm the children of the TPO have the choice to stay in school or return home for lunch. They are looked after by the class teachers and experienced lunch staff, provided by the lunch staff GSV. This foundation is governed by parents and board of the GSV.
The gifted department (HB) started school year 2021-2022 with a pilot. Their school days have no lunch time and school days end at 2:30pm instead of 3pm. In the youngest classes of the TPO and IPS, lunch teachers are present. During outside playtime all classes are supervised by specialist lunch staff. Lunch staff and class teachers communicate closely to ensure a pleasant atmosphere for the children during these times. At the start of the school year, during an information evening, TPO parents are asked if you would like your child to stay at school during lunch times. You will be asked how often your child will be present. The maximum number is 4 times a week, as there will be no lunch break on Wednesdays.
When participating in this, you will be asked to pay through iDeal. The available link will be sent around January 2021. Lunchtimes at IPS are paid for through the school fee and almost all IPS children stay at school for lunch.
Extracurricular activities
From September to May, the school organises various extra-curricular activities, both during lunch times and after school hours. These activities are supplied by internal and external specialists, by the SKSG, and by the local playground association ‘De Helpen'.
Knutsel frutsel
School choir
Typing lessons
School orchestra
Dutch lessons