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Educational resources

Our goal is to, at least, achieve the new core values for primary education as set by the Department for Education, Culture, and Science. The core values help to formulate our school plan, which states our educational aims and future developments for 2019-2023. Each year, an educational development plan is devised based on the school plan. The school plan 2019-2023 and the school year plan 2022-2023 can be requested at school. 

For our pupils, teachers determine correct and appropriate instructions, activities, and resources to devise an appropriate individual learning plan.


Cultural and creative arts 
The GSV gives special attention to cultural and creative arts (CKV). Arts and culture contribute to the overall development of our pupils. We aim to expand their cultural awareness, develop their creativity and their ability to formulate an opinion on cultural forms of expression.

All cultural activities are described in our Cultural Education Plan 2020-2024. The Arts and Culture committee prepares these activities. Activities of that school year are linked to the main theme in combination with IPC criteria and themes. All classes utilise the ‘Cultural menu’. This menu is offered by the Council of Groningen. All classes visit a performance from this menu. In addition, each year, every class has their own (musical) performance.

Through our curriculum and extra-curricular activities we look at: music, dance, multimedia, literature, drama, citizenship, philosophy, visual arts, and cultural heritage. For lessons, performances and workshops in these disciplines we invite artists, writers, and theatre companies to our school or, when applicable, visit museums.


Musical education aims to develop motor skills, rhythm, melody, and social skills. The focus is put on singing, learning to use rhythmical instruments, listening to music, and moving to the music. Lessons are given as a class. The subject is taught by a specialist teacher. There are weekly lessons for the groups 3 to 8 for the TPO, Year 2 until 6 in the IPS and all HB classes. 


The GSV also has its own school orchestra and choir. They perform together, or separately, at ceremonies, celebrations and other festivities in school. Sometimes they perform in the city of Groningen. At the start of every school year, auditions are held. The GSV organises about five performance evenings, throughout the year. These low-key and enjoyable evenings are open to all pupils, from beginner to experienced level.

Physic al Education 
In our PE lessons, the GSV aims for children to develop:
- Fine and gross motor skills
- Active participation and enjoyment
- Creativity
- Correct handling of materials
- Hygienic standards
- Teamwork

Class teachers supervise the gym lessons for the youngest groups (groups 1 and 2 of the TPO, and F1, F2, and Y1 of the IPS). These classes use the two smaller gym halls in our main building. In groups 3-8 of the TPO; year 2-6 
of IPS and all groups of HB, a specialised teacher provides the PE-lessons. These classes are held at Chopinlaan, Sweelincklaan, Rijksstraatweg (IPS) and The Wiardt at Vestdijklaan (HB).

The GSV believes that children should be prepared for a world and society in which technology becomes more and more important. In addition to learning how to use a computer/laptop/tablet, we teach our pupils the basics of computer sciences and programming. Lessons are adapted to suit individual learner’s level. 

Over the past year, staff members have been trained in using Microsoft Teams or Google classroom to provide remote lessons. Due to the COVID-19 lockdown of schools, we set up a programme and organised our lessons online. This enables us to make a quick transition if necessary.


Each class has access to 2-4 desktop computers. All pupils of the TPO and the IPS have access to several laptops and iPads, which can be used during class when the teachers sees fit. In the school building at Sweelincklaan, a computer room is present where pupils have their weekly computer lessons. Facilities in the computer room are used by pupils of the TPO and IPS. The HB department provides iPad for all pupils individually. The ICT-teacher provides and supervises all activities in the computer room. Throughout the school, work stations have been set up for pupils to work on their presentations and assignments.


Regarding our internet security and availability, we work with an external partner. All staff can work off-site, assuring that everyone can work and learn from any location; even from home.

School gardens 
Our pupils are introduced to nature and ecological systems through practical lessons at the children’s garden (Kinderwerktuin Helpman at the Helperzoom). This garden is part of the Nature and Ecology Education department of the municipality of Groningen ( All classes, except for the youngest age groups of the TPO and IPS will have lessons at the gardens. 

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